Yard Waste Collection
Monday, September 5, 2022
Yard waste collection will take place as part of your normal curbside collection on a weekly basis starting the 3rd week in April and end the second week of December. There will be no yard waste collection beginning the third week of December until the 2nd week of April.
September 5, 2022
All Day
Time Details:
April - December
Hermitage, PA 16148
Free- part of your normal curbside pick up
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Yard waste collection will take place as part of your normal curbside collection on a weekly basis starting the 3rd week in April and end the second week of December. There will be no yard waste collection beginning the third week of December until the 2nd week of April.
Green-lid yard waste carts or biodegradable bags may be placed at the curb on a weekly basis on your regular collection day. There is no limit to the amount of biodegradable bags a household can place at the curb.
Acceptable Yard Waste
Yard Waste Cart - Acceptable yard waste includes:
- Branches, tree limbs under 4 inches in diameter
- Brush up to 4 feet in length
- Grass clippings
- Leaves
- Plants and flowers
- Roots
- Sawdust
- Shrubbery and pruning
**REMINDER** Please do not rake leaves into the street, ditches or streams. Large amounts of leaves and yard waste clog storm drainage pipes and basins.. For more information, please visit Yard Waste Collection
Original source can be found here.